Flight Report

Flight Date
Flight Number
Departure ICAO
Arrival ICAO
Fuel Used
Departure Time
Arrival Time
Flight Duration
Performance Score
Landing Rate
Scheduled Flight
ACARS recorded flight.

Skill Analysis (29%)

Stall Detected
Crash Detected
Landing Lights Below 10k
Landing Lights Above 10k
Overspeed / Stress Detected
Taxi Overspeed
Overspeed below 10k
Beacon Off Engine On
Slew Detected
Pause Detected

Take-off/Landing Analysis (Landing Rate -829fpm)

Take-off G-Force
Rotate Speed
Rotate Pitch
Rotate Bank
Gear-up Speed
Gear-up Altitude
Take-Off Winds
TAT Departure/Arrival
Touch-down G-Force
Touch-down Speed
Touch-down Pitch
Touch-down Bank
Gear-down Speed
Gear-down Altitude
Landing Winds
Touch-Down Spoilers Deployed

Flight Log

[12:48:01utc] You have successfully logged in Francisco Sussmann.
[12:49:28utc] Your flight to SKBO has now been started.
[12:49:28utc] Aircraft boarding In progress
[12:51:31utc] Starting Engines
[12:54:30utc] Landing lights ON
[12:54:31utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:54:32utc] Landing lights ON
[12:54:36utc] Detected aircraft taxiing
[12:54:39utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:54:43utc] Landing lights ON
[12:54:43utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:54:44utc] Landing lights ON
[12:54:50utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:54:50utc] Landing lights ON
[12:54:52utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:54:52utc] Landing lights ON
[12:54:53utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:54:54utc] Landing lights ON
[12:54:57utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:54:57utc] Landing lights ON
[12:54:58utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:01utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:01utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:03utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:12utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:13utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:16utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:17utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:18utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:24utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:25utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:25utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:25utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:25utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:26utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:26utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:28utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:28utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:29utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:29utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:31utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:31utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:33utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:34utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:35utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:35utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:37utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:38utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:45utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:46utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:51utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:51utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:51utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:52utc] Landing lights ON
[12:55:56utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:55:57utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:06utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:07utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:08utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:08utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:09utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:09utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:10utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:10utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:11utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:11utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:18utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:18utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:19utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:20utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:26utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:26utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:32utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:32utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:32utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:32utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:33utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:33utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:36utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:39utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:39utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:40utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:43utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:43utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:48utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:48utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:58utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:56:59utc] Landing lights ON
[12:56:59utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:00utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:02utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:02utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:03utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:04utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:06utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:06utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:09utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:09utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:17utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:18utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:19utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:20utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:22utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:23utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:25utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:26utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:27utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:27utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:27utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:29utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:29utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:30utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:30utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:31utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:32utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:32utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:33utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:34utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:36utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:36utc] Detected Take-off roll, WIND 0/0kt
[12:57:36utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:38utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:39utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:46utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:46utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:48utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:48utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:52utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:52utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:55utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:55utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:56utc] Landing lights OFF
[12:57:56utc] Landing lights ON
[12:57:58utc] Departing SKPS, IAS 125kt, G - Force 0.61g, pitch -7.24deg, bank 9.06deg, VS 146fpm, HDG 012deg
[12:58:00utc] Gear UP, IAS 130kt, GS 152kt, ALT 5860ft
[12:58:07utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 6140ft, IAS 136kt, GS 152kt, HDG 009deg, VS 3917fpm, TAT 3deg, WIND 0/0kt
[12:58:08utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6190ft
[12:58:09utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6230ft
[12:58:22utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 6480ft
[12:58:22utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 6480ft
[12:58:37utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 181kt, GS 202kt, VS 3937fpm, ALT 7000ft, PITCH -16.33deg, HDG 002deg, TAT 1deg, WIND 0/0kt
[12:58:39utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7130ft
[12:58:39utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7150ft
[12:58:40utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 7160ft
[12:58:40utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 7180ft
[12:59:17utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8910ft
[13:05:37utc] Aircraft level at 24980ft, IAS 234kt, GS 344kt, HDG 034deg, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:09:28utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24910ft, IAS 340kt, GS 486kt, HDG 052deg, VS -338fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:09:52utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 335kt, GS 478kt, VS 1322fpm, ALT 24920ft, PITCH 1.22deg, HDG 052deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:10:08utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24860ft, IAS 334kt, GS 478kt, HDG 052deg, VS -1231fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:10:26utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 333kt, GS 476kt, VS 936fpm, ALT 24830ft, PITCH -7.35deg, HDG 052deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:11:00utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24940ft, IAS 329kt, GS 472kt, HDG 052deg, VS -2645fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:11:28utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 334kt, GS 474kt, VS 1663fpm, ALT 24630ft, PITCH -1.4deg, HDG 052deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:12:05utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24900ft, IAS 326kt, GS 468kt, HDG 052deg, VS -1691fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:12:29utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 328kt, GS 468kt, VS 2034fpm, ALT 24820ft, PITCH -7.53deg, HDG 052deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:12:55utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24990ft, IAS 324kt, GS 467kt, HDG 052deg, VS -3188fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:13:21utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 333kt, GS 472kt, VS 1820fpm, ALT 24600ft, PITCH 0.99deg, HDG 046deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:13:49utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24800ft, IAS 327kt, GS 468kt, HDG 041deg, VS -2150fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:14:09utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 327kt, GS 467kt, VS 2482fpm, ALT 24790ft, PITCH -2.08deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:14:34utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24960ft, IAS 324kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -3035fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:15:01utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 335kt, GS 474kt, VS 1421fpm, ALT 24420ft, PITCH -5.06deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -33deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:15:35utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24840ft, IAS 325kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -1228fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:15:53utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 324kt, GS 465kt, VS 2256fpm, ALT 24910ft, PITCH -7.94deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:16:19utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 25140ft, IAS 320kt, GS 463kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2451fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:16:48utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 331kt, GS 472kt, VS 1913fpm, ALT 24640ft, PITCH -1.19deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:17:16utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24900ft, IAS 325kt, GS 468kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2553fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:17:44utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 334kt, GS 474kt, VS 1640fpm, ALT 24460ft, PITCH 0.05deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:18:13utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24760ft, IAS 326kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -347fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:18:14utc] Aircraft level at 24770ft, IAS 327kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:18:15utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24760ft, IAS 327kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -186fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:18:23utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 325kt, GS 465kt, VS 1447fpm, ALT 24870ft, PITCH -2.94deg, HDG 040deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:18:46utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24940ft, IAS 324kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2508fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:19:14utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 334kt, GS 474kt, VS 1854fpm, ALT 24490ft, PITCH -6deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:19:57utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24890ft, IAS 325kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -1400fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:20:20utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 326kt, GS 467kt, VS 2244fpm, ALT 24840ft, PITCH -1.59deg, HDG 040deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:20:43utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24930ft, IAS 325kt, GS 468kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2708fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:21:10utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 333kt, GS 472kt, VS 1748fpm, ALT 24540ft, PITCH -5.45deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:21:35utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24740ft, IAS 328kt, GS 468kt, HDG 040deg, VS -764fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:21:48utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 325kt, GS 465kt, VS 1412fpm, ALT 24880ft, PITCH -6.41deg, HDG 040deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:22:11utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24970ft, IAS 324kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2620fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:22:39utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 331kt, GS 470kt, VS 1946fpm, ALT 24610ft, PITCH -8.12deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:23:03utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24840ft, IAS 326kt, GS 468kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2273fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:23:29utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 331kt, GS 470kt, VS 2119fpm, ALT 24610ft, PITCH -8.19deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:23:58utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24940ft, IAS 323kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2338fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:24:30utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 335kt, GS 474kt, VS 1530fpm, ALT 24380ft, PITCH -1.67deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -33deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:25:16utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24910ft, IAS 323kt, GS 465kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2108fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:25:49utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 334kt, GS 472kt, VS 1344fpm, ALT 24440ft, PITCH -6.38deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:26:23utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24760ft, IAS 326kt, GS 467kt, HDG 041deg, VS -473fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:26:34utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 325kt, GS 465kt, VS 1092fpm, ALT 24850ft, PITCH -5.72deg, HDG 040deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:27:00utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24990ft, IAS 323kt, GS 465kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2053fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:27:32utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 332kt, GS 472kt, VS 1624fpm, ALT 24550ft, PITCH -6.23deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:28:10utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24890ft, IAS 325kt, GS 468kt, HDG 040deg, VS -3005fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:28:35utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 335kt, GS 474kt, VS 1394fpm, ALT 24390ft, PITCH -5.55deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -33deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:29:08utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24830ft, IAS 326kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -1081fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:29:25utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 324kt, GS 465kt, VS 2368fpm, ALT 24930ft, PITCH -5.45deg, HDG 040deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:29:49utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 25100ft, IAS 322kt, GS 465kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2697fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:30:16utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 330kt, GS 470kt, VS 1980fpm, ALT 24770ft, PITCH -8.2deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:30:40utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24910ft, IAS 327kt, GS 470kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2912fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:31:07utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 336kt, GS 476kt, VS 1912fpm, ALT 24420ft, PITCH -5.62deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -33deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:31:58utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24960ft, IAS 325kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2486fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:32:27utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 335kt, GS 474kt, VS 1805fpm, ALT 24420ft, PITCH -2.14deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -33deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:33:16utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24890ft, IAS 325kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -2477fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:33:44utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 333kt, GS 472kt, VS 1865fpm, ALT 24520ft, PITCH -3.06deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:34:11utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24840ft, IAS 326kt, GS 467kt, HDG 040deg, VS -1853fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:34:36utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 329kt, GS 468kt, VS 1583fpm, ALT 24700ft, PITCH -1.6deg, HDG 041deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:35:04utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24940ft, IAS 325kt, GS 467kt, HDG 035deg, VS -2446fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:35:30utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 331kt, GS 470kt, VS 2316fpm, ALT 24650ft, PITCH -0.78deg, HDG 020deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:35:56utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24900ft, IAS 325kt, GS 468kt, HDG 005deg, VS -2490fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:36:23utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 334kt, GS 474kt, VS 770fpm, ALT 24500ft, PITCH -1.83deg, HDG 004deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:57:47utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24810ft, IAS 328kt, GS 470kt, HDG 004deg, VS -2298fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:58:12utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 331kt, GS 470kt, VS 2358fpm, ALT 24590ft, PITCH -8.45deg, HDG 005deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:58:37utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24860ft, IAS 326kt, GS 468kt, HDG 004deg, VS -2288fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:59:02utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 332kt, GS 470kt, VS 2445fpm, ALT 24580ft, PITCH -0.74deg, HDG 005deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[13:59:32utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24890ft, IAS 325kt, GS 467kt, HDG 004deg, VS -1935fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:00:01utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 331kt, GS 470kt, VS 1241fpm, ALT 24620ft, PITCH -4.28deg, HDG 005deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:00:32utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24950ft, IAS 325kt, GS 467kt, HDG 004deg, VS -1970fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:01:02utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 334kt, GS 474kt, VS 1391fpm, ALT 24520ft, PITCH -5.14deg, HDG 005deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:01:32utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24850ft, IAS 326kt, GS 468kt, HDG 002deg, VS -1442fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:01:59utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 329kt, GS 468kt, VS 1727fpm, ALT 24710ft, PITCH -6.21deg, HDG 349deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:02:24utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24910ft, IAS 326kt, GS 468kt, HDG 349deg, VS -1939fpm, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:02:52utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 331kt, GS 470kt, VS 2314fpm, ALT 24640ft, PITCH -8.1deg, HDG 349deg, TAT -34deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:03:23utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 24970ft, IAS 325kt, GS 467kt, HDG 000deg, VS -2263fpm, TAT -35deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:08:14utc] Aircraft level at 12950ft, IAS 282kt, GS 338kt, HDG 069deg, TAT -11deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:08:41utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 259kt, GS 313kt, VS 177fpm, ALT 12980ft, PITCH -2.92deg, HDG 091deg, TAT -11deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:08:55utc] Aircraft level at 12990ft, IAS 248kt, GS 299kt, HDG 090deg, TAT -11deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:16:26utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 12820ft, IAS 218kt, GS 264kt, HDG 123deg, VS -1981fpm, TAT -10deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:17:04utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11020ft
[14:17:05utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10990ft
[14:17:06utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10970ft
[14:17:17utc] Aircraft climbing, IAS 221kt, GS 259kt, VS 3495fpm, ALT 11130ft, PITCH -17.03deg, HDG 138deg, TAT -7deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:17:19utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11300ft
[14:17:20utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11320ft
[14:17:21utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11380ft
[14:17:24utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11490ft
[14:17:24utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11500ft
[14:17:25utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11530ft
[14:17:26utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11540ft
[14:17:27utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11550ft
[14:17:34utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11680ft
[14:17:35utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11700ft
[14:17:36utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11700ft
[14:17:40utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11760ft
[14:17:49utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11800ft
[14:17:52utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11920ft
[14:18:02utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 12210ft
[14:18:03utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 12220ft
[14:18:12utc] Gear DOWN, IAS 172kt, GS 206kt, ALT 12250ft
[14:18:18utc] Aircraft level at 12240ft, IAS 170kt, GS 204kt, HDG 135deg, TAT -9deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:18:20utc] Aircraft descending, ALT 12230ft, IAS 169kt, GS 204kt, HDG 134deg, VS -205fpm, TAT -9deg, WIND 0/0kt
[14:18:25utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 12180ft
[14:18:26utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 12180ft
[14:18:33utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 12110ft
[14:18:36utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 12070ft
[14:18:44utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11950ft
[14:18:45utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11920ft
[14:18:50utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11830ft
[14:18:51utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11820ft
[14:19:03utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11580ft
[14:19:03utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11560ft
[14:19:19utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11150ft
[14:19:23utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11050ft
[14:19:24utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 11030ft
[14:19:24utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 11020ft
[14:19:35utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10910ft
[14:19:36utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10910ft
[14:19:51utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10720ft
[14:19:54utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10670ft
[14:19:54utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10660ft
[14:19:57utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10630ft
[14:20:08utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10460ft
[14:20:11utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10430ft
[14:20:11utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10420ft
[14:20:12utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10410ft
[14:20:17utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10350ft
[14:20:18utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10340ft
[14:20:19utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10330ft
[14:20:20utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10330ft
[14:20:27utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10250ft
[14:20:27utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10250ft
[14:20:42utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10040ft
[14:20:43utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 10030ft
[14:20:44utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 10010ft
[14:20:45utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9990ft
[14:20:52utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9890ft
[14:20:52utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9880ft
[14:20:53utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9860ft
[14:20:53utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9860ft
[14:20:54utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9850ft
[14:20:56utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9830ft
[14:20:57utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9820ft
[14:20:58utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9820ft
[14:20:59utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9820ft
[14:20:59utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9810ft
[14:21:04utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9780ft
[14:21:08utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9740ft
[14:21:14utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9690ft
[14:21:16utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9680ft
[14:21:28utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9490ft
[14:21:32utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9420ft
[14:21:33utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9400ft
[14:21:34utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9390ft
[14:21:40utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9290ft
[14:21:41utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9280ft
[14:21:46utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9220ft
[14:21:48utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9200ft
[14:21:48utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9200ft
[14:21:49utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9180ft
[14:21:53utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 9140ft
[14:21:55utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 9130ft
[14:22:15utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8740ft
[14:22:16utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 8720ft
[14:22:20utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8660ft
[14:22:21utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 8650ft
[14:22:24utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8600ft
[14:22:24utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 8590ft
[14:22:28utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8550ft
[14:22:29utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 8530ft
[14:22:33utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8480ft
[14:22:34utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 8470ft
[14:22:39utc] Landing lights OFF, ALT 8430ft
[14:22:40utc] Landing lights ON, ALT 8430ft
[14:22:43utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:22:45utc] Landing lights ON
[14:22:48utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:22:49utc] Landing lights ON
[14:22:53utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:22:54utc] Landing lights ON
[14:22:54utc] Landed at destination SKBO with a landing rate of -829fpm, touchdown speed 118kt, G - Force 3.23g, pitch -9.14deg, bank 0.83deg
[14:22:55utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:22:55utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:04utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:07utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:08utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:10utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:13utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:14utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:15utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:16utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:18utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:19utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:30utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:31utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:32utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:33utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:34utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:36utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:37utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:42utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:44utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:45utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:47utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:48utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:54utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:54utc] Landing lights ON
[14:23:56utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:23:57utc] Landing lights ON
[14:24:06utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:24:07utc] Landing lights ON
[14:24:16utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:24:17utc] Landing lights ON
[14:24:25utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:24:26utc] Landing lights ON
[14:24:38utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:24:39utc] Landing lights ON
[14:24:41utc] Aircraft at gate/stand, ground services are moving into position, disembarkation has begun
[14:24:53utc] Landing lights OFF
[14:24:54utc] Landing lights ON

Flight Map